Our Companies

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Focused on delivering medical services and treatments based on the latest technology but not widely known although medically approved. Currently we offer an innovative and proven way to treat prostate cancer. Client’s wishes and comfort have top priority and in most cases waiting lists are non-existent. Services offered are realistically priced, tailor made and performed by the best specialists in renowned clinics.

Diabetes Treatment

Due to the ineffective medical therapy for obesity, World of Care is continuously searching for ways to cause and maintain weight loss including surgical procedures. Shortly we will offer Sleeve Gastrectomy, a metabolic surgery for diabetes type 2 patients. In this procedure most of the stomach is removed without the disadvantages that other procedures entail: the function of the stomach stays almost the same, there is no risk of Dumping Syndrome and the small intestines don’t change. Results indicate that the average excess body weight loss is between 40% to 60% in the first year. Further information will follow soon (website under construction).

The Lifestyle Test & The Lifestyle Index

The Lifestyle Test® provides detailed insight in your current lifestyle, whether it concerns you personally or the employees of your company.

The Lifestyle Test® is a profound baseline measurement of one’s lifestyle. An in-depth digital part covers many questions on the topics General Health, Nutrition, Exercise and Relaxation. This is complemented with an elaborate physical part that will be conducted in an affiliated test centre near you and takes around 45 minutes. It comprises of en ECG (heart rate variability), fitness assessment, blood analysis, Bio-impedance measurement and Biometric measurement.

An individual score, the general Lifestyle Index®, provides detailed insight in your health on many different subjects. The Lifestyle Index® is subdivided into several specific indices (for example Energy Index, Body Index, etc.). Based on the weighted Lifestyle Index®, we develop a tailor made holistic Personal Health Program (PHP®). This PHP® focuses on achieving your personal goals in the areas of Nutrition, Exercise and Relaxation. Furthermore, we give you detailed advice on how to improve your lifestyle and we support you with coaching videos and the latest mobile preventive healthcare technology. This way we guide you in reaching your optimal state of wellbeing, and thus a better lifestyle.

Your WoW Experience

Enjoy the rewarding experience of individualized attention with Your WoW Experience. It offers a sophisticated membership community whose participants enjoy the finer things in life supported by year round coaching. With Your WoW Experience, a yearly top of the range lifestyle holiday in a 5* hotel with many individual treatments is included. Furthermore, Your WoW Experience incorporates the Lifestyle Test®, The Lifestyle Index® and the PHP® (please refer to the corresponding section on this website). Depending on the membership level chosen, your experience may include 24/7 personal assistance, individual medical support, healthcare services (f.i. a body scan), travel assistance and a Personal Concierge throughout the year.